The Scientific Council from GOSPEL is designed to give guidance and advice to the network under the viewpoints of the different stakeholders in Artificial Olfaction on the one hand and the paradigm shift by GOSPEL on the other.
- Julian Gardner; Professor for Electronic Engineering, University of Warwick (United Kingdom); Chairman of the Scientific Council
- Eric Chanie; Engineering & Development Director, AlphaM.O.S. (France)
- Maximilian Fleischer; Senior Principal Scientist, Corporate Research and Devlopment, Siemens AG (Germany)
- David Horn; Professor at the School for Physics and Astronomy Tel Aviv (Israel)
- Karl-Ernst Kaissling; Professor emeritus, Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich and Max-Planck-Institute Seewiesen (Germany)
- Lina Sarro; Professor for Electronic Components, Technology and Materials, Delft University (Netherlands)
- Detlev Schild; Professor for Molecular Neurophysiology, University of Goettingen (Germany)
- Roma Tauler; Professor for Analytical Chemistry, University of Barcelona (Spain)
- Stellan Welin; Professor for Biotechnology, Culture and Society, University of Linkoping (Sweden); representative for Gender and Ethics