Landscaping Reports

Landscaping Reports describe the state-of-the-art in artificial olfaction, including biomimetic approaches.


Biomimetics research ranges from gene coding for odour receptors to models of olfactory processing in the brain.  It is a multidisciplinary field including biology and neuroscience.

The following Landscaping Reports focus on biological olfaction and biomimetics, the projects and capabilities of GOSPEL partners, further project ideas and literature references.

Please follow the links to download the reports.

Link to the PDF-Files


Hardware research covers biomimetic approaches, chemical sensors and sensing systems, sensitive coatings and new application areas.

The following Landscaping Reports focus on research trends in sensing technology and gas-sensitive materials, and applications in security, healthcare and environment. They provide detailed information on sensors and systems on the market, and the companies that sell them.

Please follow the links to download the reports.

Link to the PDF-Files


Software research covers data analysis and signal processing for gas sensors.

The following Landscaping Reports provide an overview of commercial and non-commercial software and applications for data processing of gas sensors.

Emphasis is placed on ready-to-use software packages with different orientations, from spectroscopy to applied statistics. Programmable and open packages are also included to help users designing or improving their own tools.

The reports also include a list of conferences related to data processing.

Please follow the links to download the reports.

Link to the PDF-Files